Saturday, October 31, 2009

This week we finished the Jackson Middle School case. we concluded that the kids that were sick had salmonella. salmonella causes the same symptoms that the kids had. also the grams test turned red which meant it was negative. we wrote up our lab report and handed it in.
then the next day we took a toothpick and rubbed it ageists our cheek. we looked at it 4 different way under a microscope.
  • way 1- dye high mag.
  • way 2- dye low mag.
  • way 3- water high mag
  • way 4- water low mag

when you used the water it was much harder to see then with the dye that brought out the cells. for home work that night we looked up a diagram of the animal cell and plant cell. the next day we peeled a potato so that the slices were almost transparent. we did the same with grass. we looked at that 8 different ways.

  • way 1-water high mag
  • way 2- water low mag
  • way 3- methylene blue high mag
  • way 4- methylene blue low mag
  • way 5- lugol (red dye) high mag
  • way 6- lugol(red dye) low mag
  • way 7- grass high mag
  • way 8- grass low mag

the next day (Friday) we checked over our homework and discussed it. once we discussed both cells we made a chart with structures and what they do.

cytoplasm- holds everything together

nucleus-controls everything that goes on in the cell

cell wall- protection, structure

mitochondria- needs more research

cell membrane- contains the organelles of the cell and controls what passes in and out of the cell

nucleus membrane- protects the nucleus

that is basically all we did this week

Sunday, October 18, 2009

this week we did a lot of experiments for the middle school sickness. my partner and i decided that we should make a petri dish with the chicken and see how much bacteria ends up in the petri dish. we got it approved so we got an apron, goggles, a piece of chicken, sterile swabs, a petri dish, and gloves. i rubbed the swab against the chicken and put the top on the petri dish and put it in the ventilator. the next day we came in and looked at our petri dish. you couldn't even tell where the bacteria colonies were. you could basically see where we rubbed the cotton swab. we continued checking it for the rest of the week and every thing stayed the same.

also my partner and i made a slide of the pond water. we found a couple of organisms. one was like a little worm. then we found a couple that looked like little bugs. they were really fast so we only saw them a couple of times. every time we looked we couldn't find anything. then we found one really good slide that had a lot of organisms. it dried out quickly though.

this week we really only worked on that stuff.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This week in science we did a few things. one was we discussed the structure of bacteria. for homework that night we had to look up the structures. then we had to write down if the bacteria was living or not because of its structure.the next day we label the drawing.we also made the conclusion that it is living since it...
  • has cells
  • respires
  • reproduces
  • grows
  • has DNA
  • it is composed of cells
  • adapts to it's environment

We did the same thing with a virus. we decided that it was not living.

we also got in new samples. we got chinken water and blood samples. thursday we learned a little more about the microscope. we have to take a quiz on it to make sure wwe know all the things. it was a short week so we didn't get to do much.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

week 3

This week in science class wee did more with the Trueman middle school sickness case. we discovered a couple of things.
  1. all the kids had stomach aches
  2. all the kids had either a headache, diarrhea, or fever
  3. most of the kids that swam in the lake and ate at Cheep Chicken Hut got sick.

we thought it might be food poisoning or contaminated lake water. we asked for some interviews and blood samples. Also we asked for samples of the water, sample of the chicken, and the health inspection from Cheep Chicken Hut.

also we had a homework assignment that was a simulation. it com pair different objects to each other(i.e. pin, hair, red blood cell, rhino virus, etc). Then we had to answer questions after you saw the simulation. The next day we discussed what the difference is between macroscopic, microscopic, and sub-microscopic were.

macroscopic-big don't need a microscope

microscopic-small, need a microscope to see it

sub-microscopic- so small you can't even see it with the microscope.

Then that night for homework we had to think of surfaces that would be dirty and not dirty. Then we had to make a hypothesis of what would happen if we swiped somewhere in the bathroom. The next day with our table groups(mine are 3 boys) we had to decide where we were going to swab in the bathroom. Since my table is a mix of 3 boys and me we decide to go in the boys bathroom and swab the toilet seat and the wall. Mr Finley then asked us to answer these questions about the bacteria in our blog.

Are they multiplying or reproducing?

i think it is reproducing since i have never seen anything that can multi by it's self it has to reproduce

How do you think we can make it reproduce or multiply faster?

i think that we could keep it in a warm place since that is what the sheet told us to do when we first got it and we should keep it upside down.