this week we learned about meiosis. the phases are..
- prohase I-non-sister chromotids connect and trade sections.
- metaphaseI- spindle fibbers attach to each dyad at the kinerachore.
- anaphaseI-chiasmata break apart and sister chromotids go to migraring towards oppiste poles
- telophaseI-cleavage furrow forms. cell splits
- prophaseII-spindle formation begins.
- metaphaseII-tension from spindle fibers
- anaphaseII-chromotids separate and begin moving to the poles
- telophaseII-cleavage furrow forms
meiosis is important in sexual reproduction. meiosis makes sperm and egg cells.
we also learned a new vocabulary word.
- autosomes-all the other 22 pairs of chromosomes that aren't the sex chromosomes.
the sex chromosomes are called x and y. the males carry either the x or y chromosome. females only carry the x chromosome. if you get 2x's then the baby would be a girl. if you get a x and a y then it would be a boy.
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